Want to Learn How to See Auras?


Well, it’s not as tricky as you might expect. You don’t need to be a spiritual healer, a psychic intuitive or have your third eye wide open to see the light which emanates out beyond every human’s physical body.

Training yourself to actually perceive the colors of people’s energy fields just takes the right approach and a little time. But first of all, let’s talk about what auras actually are…

What is an Aura?

The definition of this elusive energetic body is usually the “energy field” or “electromagnetic field” which surrounds a physical form. In humans it’s comprised of seven different layers of light – you can learn about these HERE – extending outwards in all directions. It is usually made up of a beautiful array of different colors, from golden yellows, through to reds, blues, grays and sometimes even murky browns and black. Closely connected to the chakra system, in its entirety, it forms a large, cocooning oval, or egg-shape which extends out around 90 cm from the surface of the skin.

Feeling into the Auric Field

Whilst most of us may not have the ability to see into the energy body straightaway, it’s likely that you can already feel into it, without being consciously aware that’s what you’re doing! If you’ve ever walked into a room full of people, and had the sensation of a certain “vibe” or atmosphere, then you were probably intuitively tapping into the auras of others. Or if you’ve ever been in a crowd, at a music festival or public event and had a sense of your emotions lifting (or dropping), the energy you were feeling came from a collective auric field!

Seeing the energy body, however, takes just a little more concentration.

Here’s a quick and super-simple method you can use to see your OWN aura. And afterward, we’ll share a technique you can try with a friend.


Method 1: How to See the Energy Around your Hands

  • First, sit somewhere comfortable with both feet touching the floor. This is important as it will help to ground you.
  • Close your eyes, still your mind and take a few deep breaths.
  • Next, bring your hands up in front of your heart and rub them together firmly and quickly for about 30 seconds.
  • Open your eyes and pull your hands slightly away (about a hand’s width) from each other and gaze through the space between them. This is important. You’re not looking at your hands and you’re not looking at what’s behind them. Soften your gaze so that your eyes are unfocused and see the blurred space which lies between.
  • Gently move your hands together again, and then pull them apart, still gazing at this in-between space. You should start to see something fuzzy, cloudy, misty or even like tiny specks of dust in the sunlight. Don’t forget that your perception is unique to you, so there is no right or wrong way to see.

Experiment with direct and peripheral vision (many people report that it’s much easier to see the invisible emanation when looking out of the corners of the eyes, and not directly at something).

This new way of seeing (whatever form it takes) may take a little practice so don’t worry if you can’t ‘see’ anything yet. Practice again. Don’t put any pressure or expectation on yourself and most importantly, trust what you are being shown.

This method is great training for the next step, which is to see the aura of somebody else.

Method 2: How to See the Aura Around Another Person

For this practice, you will need a partner and a plain white wall.

  • Get your partner to sit or stand in front of the wall, in such a way that they’ll be comfortable (this may take a little while!).
  • Stand or sit some distance away from them, so that you’re able to see their whole body. Ensure that your feet are both flat on the floor, to help you to ground.
  • Now using the same technique of softening your gaze and seeing into space, direct your attention to the top half of your partner’s body and their head, and simply let your eyes rest there.
  • Don’t focus. Don’t look AT your partner and don’t look AT the wall, simply see into the space around them. Allow whatever comes into your field of perception. Again, try not to put any pressure or expectation on yourself and really try to trust what you are being shown, however it looks.
  • Keep practicing, but be sure not to overdo it. Be aware that your perceptive abilities are growing and evolving by simply doing this, so don’t force it. Before long, you will start to see shimmers of energy around your partner and then colors will also start to emerge before your eyes!

*Note: It IS possible to use this technique to see your own aura, by using a mirror. Simply sit in front of a white or plain background, and place the mirror facing you, far enough away so that you can see your whole body. And repeat the method above.


Aura Colors Explained

Once you start to actually see the energetic vibrations of your own and others auras, it’s highly likely that certain colors will appear. It’s vital, especially if you offer aura readings to others, to understand that aura colors will change and shift according to the present mental and emotional state, and the environmental experience, of an individual. So the colors that you see in any one moment are not a definition of their personality! It’s better to perceive them as a snapshot, much as the famous Kirilian photography technique is a single moment, caught on paper.

The shade of an aura color also has a bearing on its meaning, so always consider it’s tone and density when giving readings.

Yellow Aura Colors

Yellow relates to spirituality, learning, and ascension. A bright, vibrant yellow can indicate the onset of a spiritual awakening. This color is connected to the solar plexus chakra.

Orange Aura Colors

Orange relates to personal power, health and creativity. It is connected to the sacral chakra.

Red Aura Colors

Depending on its tone, red can indicate strength, belonging and rootedness; or negativity, anger and an inability to let go. Connected to the root chakra

Pink Aura Colors

Pink is closely aligned with love, but a very dark shade can indicate feelings of mistrust or deceit. Connected to the heart chakra

Purple/Violet Aura Colors

Purple relates to higher consciousness and visionary states. It’s connected to the third eye and crown chakras.


Blue/Indigo Aura Colors

Blue is related to connectivity: both to other realms, through clairvoyant or psychic abilities, or simply through honest and truthful communication here on the earth plane. Blue is connected to the throat chakra.

Green Aura Colors

Green relates to healing. It can be found in abundance emanating from natural and gifted healers. But a dark or murky shade can indicate stored resentments. Also connected to the Heart.

Golden Aura Colors

Gold is a highly spiritual shade and can indicate angelic protection. A golden glow is often seen around those who are truly aligned with their life’s work and being generously rewarded for it.

Black/Gray/Brown/Muddy Aura Colors

These colors all indicate blocked or stagnant energy and often precede physical illness.

The Etiquette of Seeing Auras

When you get good at perceiving auric fields, you may find that you can see them without even trying. You may see the aura of the person packing your shopping, or the aura of your neighbor as she leaves the house in the morning.

Be respectful.

Seeing into someone’s aura is peering into a private space, especially if you’ve not been given permission. In which case, don’t tell them what you see! Don’t judge or make assumptions about them based on the colors contained in their aura. Remember, many colors are fleeting so all you are seeing is a momentary snapshot, it is not the same as getting to know somebody as a friend. On the other hand, though, if you develop auric vision as a refined skill, then offering to share it with others – with their consent – can be an incredible tool!

So enjoy it!

Please share below your stories and experiences with these techniques!

Can you see auras?

What do you see? Everyone is different, so let us gaze through your eyes!
