PinYou might feel worn-out, battered and bruised. The World has been through a lot this past year… politically, socially, and spiritually. Everything seems to be spinning so fast to the point of being chaotic. Shadows are looming and darkness is coming out in big, small and unexpected ways. You might feel like you’re facing a losing battle… and you’re not alone.

As all this uncertainty whirls through the atmosphere accumulating power and momentum a polarity is happening. In many ways we’ve begun to draw lines in the sand to compartmentalize “others” and ourselves. Rather than define who you are, begin expressing what you are about. Your actions speak louder than words.

Lean into this uncertainty and use this time as a way to reclaim your power.

Your Pain Does Not Define You. But…

Your pain, your scars and your past do not define you, but they adorn you. Wear them as a beautiful mantle of stars that illuminate the unique expression of Spirit you are. Use your pain as a talisman to empower yourself. You came here to be an artist, exploring your own soul… it is only through this deep uncertainty that we really get to see who we are.

You don’t have to be anything to anyone else.

Drop the act of trying to be something to people and in situations that no longer resonate with your soul. I know we all have people in our lives that try to freeze us in time and space. Keep us feeling small and boxed in so they aren’t faced with their own fragility. When you wake up to your reality and realize that you are creating your own life you’ll discover that you can freely give, and freely take back the power people have over you.

Ask yourself: Who is in control here? Are they empowering me or keeping me small?

Learning to Disengage

Disengage from the power play of relationships, roles and responsibilities that are taking their toll on your wellbeing. Having boundaries is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself. It isn’t selfish or unwarranted.

This might be easier said than done. But piece-by-piece you can begin to reclaim your power in each and every situation. It begins within and works its way out. You have to remind yourself that you are deserving of personal power and wellbeing. And there is no person or thing in your life that can take that away from you.

You Have The Final Say

No matter what someone assumes about you or what definition or expectations they place on you, you have the final say in how you will take this into your soul and use it in your life. In this way, having boundaries becomes less about locking yourself in and the other side out, and more about holding space where you are open, free and transparent enough with yourself to be the best you, the most unapologetic and self-expressed you, that you can be.

Personally I’ve gone through many soul-shifts and deep level healing. I would say this has been a year of reclaiming purpose and power. Spirit is opening us up in new and powerful ways. In the face of this uncertainty, discomfort and supposed chaos, keep holding tight! There is still goodness out there to be found.

How are you feeling out there? What challenge are you being faced with? How do you keep yourself feeling empowered?

Photo by Sharina Mae Agellon.