The Queen of Pentacles is an image of Mother Earth. She does not live in a castle but instead out in a field surrounded by flowers, plants and animals. She holds the Pentacle lovingly and tenderly, almost like it is a baby, reflecting the fertile, nurturing qualities of earth, and showing that one of her primary values is security. It is hard not to feel a little safer just by looking at this warm, friendly card.

The Queen of Pentacles has an acute awareness of the magic and beauty of the natural world and loves to foster and encourage this awareness in others. This card may represent a maternal figure in your life (whether she is maternal to you, or simply in her personality in general), or one who has deep connection to natural forces. This card may be advising self-care, including proper diet, exercise, hygiene, financial good sense or taking some time to relax in nature. It may signify a homebody or very domestic person in your life, or representing that you need to put more care or time in your home.

The Queen of Pentacles is soothing to others, spreading a sense of calm, safety and trust in the greater forces of life, especially nature, and this may be the attitude that will most serve you now in your work or relationships. She leans forward in care and attention, but her gaze is focused somewhat inward, emphasizing that she is not only one who takes good care of others but one who also makes sure that she herself feels happy and strong. She has a sense of security coming from deep within. The Queen is an image of self-worth and self-value.

Activities like yoga and meditation, as well as nourishing food bring a sense of “groundedness” or centering which the Queen of Pentacles represents. Become comfortable in your skin. Feel your feet firmly on the ground. Spend time in nature and appreciate that you are at home wherever you are because the nurturing powers of the earth itself are infinite and constantly flowing to you.

Astrological Association:

The Queen of Pentacles card is connected to the Moon in Taurus, as a symbol of a healthy view of things, fruitful work and family togetherness.

Card meanings upright:

The Queen of Pentacles card may mean that you have a down to earth and practical approach to your life. Work and life balance is important to you, and you may even work from home. You may enjoy material pleasures and success, and use it to nurture those you love with food, love, and a warm home. You are likely a warm, abundant friend and parent with a high level of integrity.

Card meanings reversed:

When the Queen of Pentacles card is reversed, it may indicate a lack of sensitivity to the needs of others. You may experience insecurity, hypocritical behavior, or the inability to share with other. You are likely struggling with your home/life balance during this time.

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The Queen of Pentacles card may mean you are going to make great headway at work. A woman with dark hair or eyes may play a significant role as your ally at work. You may need to bring items from home to make your work life feel more comfortable and effective.

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The Queen of Pentacles card represents feminine energy and strategy in your love life, particularly if you are looking for love. You may need to make yourself available and enjoy being pursued rather than chasing someone you’re interested in romantically.

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The Queen of Pentacles may mean you are soon going to enjoy a new level of prosperity in your financial life. While saving some of your abundance is important, now may be a good time to treat yourself by spending money on things you enjoy in your life and sharing your wealth with others.

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The Queen of Pentacles card may mean that you need to trust yourself even if your spiritual views differ from others around you. You may need to choose a belief system that works well for you, even if others do not agree with your decision.

The Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti © 2004 Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125.  All rights reserved, used by permission.