The Eight of Wands represents swiftness, progress, unity of intention or direction and effective communication. All of the Wands, which signify ambition, determination, intention or aspiration, are moving in the same direction. Plans are in motion, money is exchanging hands, messages are being sent and received and a period of high activity takes over. You may “launch” a project now, or there may simply be a lot of movement, including planning, communication, busy-work, milestones being met and physical travel.
The descent of the Wands onto the earth signifies the unity of fire and earth, that is, dreams are becoming reality. What was once only a little spark in the imagination is now in concrete form, or well on its way to becoming so. Notice there are no people even pictured on this card; this symbolizes the great power of momentum in a project. At a certain point when the enthusiasm, determination and aggressive self-assertion have reached a certain stage, the project now propels itself forward on its own, without anyone having to make concerted, conscious effort. People are ready to receive information with open ears, and will respond quickly and efficiently.
There are 22 leaves sprouting from these wands, representing the 22 Trumps of the Major Arcana. This suggests the great potential of a personal spirit; the full range of human experience is possible to accomplish if only you get clear about your goals, develop a daring and enterprising plan and enthusiastically put it in motion. In short this card is the “green light” card. All things are a go.
Astrological Association:
The Eight of Wands card is connected to the time factor in the astrological prediction, in the moment when it begins to change, progress, or cycle.
Card meanings upright:
The Eight of Wands card may indicate swift action and progress in your life. You may be planning travels which will take you to visit someone, or bring someone to visit you.
Card meanings reversed:
When the Eight of Wands card is reversed, it can represent a lack of energy or mean that things are not moving the right direction in your life. You may experience poor time management or delays, and news or correspondence you send is likely to get lost.