As we go deeper into the healing energy from the Crystal Grid of Timeless Wisdom I shared how, no matter what the situations in your life appear, your Soul knows what is best for you. The energy of surrender is the key to all things working out for you.
These phrases or affirmations ...Everything works out for me. All is well…are used all the time for a reason…at the highest level, they are true. Now, I agree, when you are in the middle of a painful situation it will not feel like it and in our humanness, we may even lash out and rebel against the idea that ‘this’ (whatever your this is) can be for my good.
I totally understand. This is why this message comes through from the Timeless Wisdom grid. It takes time and distance to see the good that was brought by the situation. And while all that is nice to know…what do you do now? Ahhh, my friends, surrender is the key.
I am not talking about powerless resignation…a ‘just let it run me over there is nothing I can do’…attitude; NO!
I am talking about a powerful state of active surrender…of refusing to resist and push against what is occurring…this takes power and wisdom.
Feel the feelings that are brought up and then surrender it all to Timeless Wisdom to work out in the best possible way for you. When you surrender you open your mind and heart to solutions, ideas come to you, others are moved to help, ‘miracles’ happen.
Next week in our Healing we will clear blocks to this type of powerful surrender to Timeless Wisdom.