As you clear the energy of the past you allow yourself to move easily into whatever is coming next. We closed out the month of May by setting the intention to receive everything that has come your way in the past month without labeling them as ‘good’ or bad’ – just opening to receive it all.
Tuning into the deeper power of the Universe…the hand that guides you…remembering that blessings often come disguised as things you would rather not experience. Accept it all with gratitude. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
After you have received and allowed the past, become present to whatever is going on in your life right now and present to what you desire to create in the coming month of June.
I invited the Sacred Crystal Code for June to come for us…it is the Code of Simplicity. There are times we as humans try so hard we lose our way. Clarity comes to you when you stop trying to be perfect and know that you are already perfect.
Next week we will dive into the Numerology of the Simplicity Code, the 14. Then over the next weeks, we will look deeper into the code itself and finally I will bring an Akashic Clearing for the energy that keeps us from living with simplicity. I look forward to going deeper into the code with you. And, I will be in Brazil for the next 2 months and look forward to recording the videos on location! See you soon.