It’s true, witches are real and they dance around bonfires on the Witch’s Sabbat. Depending on who you are, this might sound fantastical or just fantastic.

In the Pagan and Wiccan calendar of yearly holidays, there are eight holy days, which are indeed called Sabbats. There are definitely bonfires, and depending on where you find your witches, there just might be some dancing!

Because Paganism is a spirituality based in nature, the “Eight-Spoked Wheel of the Year” follows the cycles of the sun and the rhythms of traditional agriculture. Whether you identify as Pagan, Wiccan, or none of the above, celebrating the Sabbats are a great way to step in time with nature and keep yourself in tune with your own spiritual progress.



November 1st

This is considered the witch’s New Year. As fall turns to winter the veil is thin and the spirit world is near. It’s a time of honoring the dead, and mixing a little mayhem with your magick with a bonfire and pranks.

Ways to Celebrate

  • A jack-o-lantern on the doorstep scares away unwanted spirits
  • A “dumb supper” is a way of honoring your ancestors by setting a place for them at a silent meal.

Samhain Spell

Lay out a delicious meal at midnight on October 31st. Place a glass of “spirits” beside it and say: On Samhain Eve, I call my ancestors to protect me. Bring me your wisdom, your guidance, your grace. So mote it be, this night make haste! On November 2nd, throw out the meal and thank the spirits and bid them rest well.



December 21st

The day after the winter solstice, the days begin to get longer. Thus, this cozy winter holiday is a time for calling in the light. The Goddess gives birth to the infant God, who will grow to vitality as the year grows stronger.

Ways to Celebrate

  • Create an altar to beckon in the light with lots of little candles.
  • Wassail (ale, apple cider, honey, and spices) is shared to bring good health

Yule Log Spell

Gather a log and decorate it with berries, ribbons, and little gifts. Set three red candles in front of it. Gaze into the flames and visualize your goals having already come into your life. The greater the detail the better!



February 1st

Imbolc is the feast of the hearth Goddess Brighid, who brings healing, poetry, and wisdom. While this might feel like the dead of winter, if you pay close attention, there is also the first stirrings of Spring.

Ways to Celebrate

  • This time of year often finds us at a crossroads. Pull a divination card to show the way.
  • Invite the sacred powers of Brighid in by making a poppet (doll) in her name.

Imbolc Wishing Well

Use your cauldron (a cup or bowl will work) as a wishing well to bring luck for the Spring. Fill it with spring water, blessed with these words: Hearthfire bright, Brigit’s rite. For good and all, my will take flight. Make a wish on a gold coin and drop it in!



March 21st

The beginning of Spring, when everything is tender and new, is full of possibility. Not surprisingly, the egg and the rabbit are the special symbols of fertility and creation. Ostara honors the maiden Goddess, innocence, and new birth.

Ways to Celebrate

  • Make a nest on your altar and fill it with symbols of how you are growing.
  • Plant a seed that is blessed with intentions for prosperity.

Ostara Egg Cleansing

Take a raw egg and (carefully!) roll it over the body from head to toe. Breath deeply as you do so, and feel the egg collecting any negative energy. Break the egg into glass of water. Any irregularities or dark colors are evidence of bad vibes. Flush the egg and feel vibrant and new!



May 1st

Finally, the tender Spring is over and robust Summer has arrived. The union of the God and Goddess is celebrated around a bonfire. On the opposite side of the wheel as Samhain, this is another Sabbatt where the veil to the spirit realm is thin.

Ways to Celebrate

  • Light a bonfire outside and have a ball!
  • Practice self-love with a rose petal bath.

Beltane Ritual for Love

Manifest love (but stay away from naming individuals) with some love magick. Starting on May first, write down three ways you want love to flood your heart and your life. Place the paper under a pink or red candle and light it for nine consecutive days.


June 21st

Midsummer’s Eve is a magical night ruled by fairies and sprites. As the third solar holiday, there are indeed bonfires! While it is the culmination of the season, it is also an ending, as the days after the Solstice begin to grow shorter.

 Ways to Celebrate

  • Ritual supplies gathered on this day have extra power to them.
  • Release old fears by naming them and burning their effigy in a bonfire.

Mid-Summer Faerie Tea

Invite the light and magick of the faerie realm into your life on Litha. At sundown, leave a saucer of cream and some cake on your doorstep. The fae can be tricky little spirits so don’t ask for any particular needs. Simply say: Beautiful creatures of twilight and dew, grant me the sweetness that I see you in you.



August 1st

Lammas means grain, and this holiday marks the first Harvest. It’s a time of resting, waiting, and hoping as the year begins to turn inward. Traditionally, handfasting (marriage) ceremonies were performed on Lammas. This is also when the wicker man was burned – a ritual of transformation.

Ways to Celebrate

  • Renew your vows or make yourself a sacred oath during this time.
  • Make and burn a small figure out of straw, with something you would leave behind written within it.

Lammas Loaf of Plenty

Bake a loaf of bread from a simple recipe you find online. Think of a number that is a goal for your prosperity. Place a number of raisins inside the dough, to represent the number. Make the bread an offering at an altar, or eat it up yourself!


September 21st

In Ancient Greece, the Autumn Equinox marked the beginning of rites of Demeter. The feminine principle in nature now rules, and the masculine principle of summer is in hibernation. This is a time to honor the earth and ask for her blessings.

Ways to Celebrate

  • Spend some time outside by going on a meditative walk.
  • Make some apple cider and learn the magickal meaning of the spices you use.

Apple Rot Banishing

Slice an apple in half through the middle, to reveal a five-pointed star of seeds. Think of something you would like to banish, maybe an addiction or bad habit. Tie the apple together with a long cord, saying: You served me once, but not again. Be banished now, my life to mend! Bury it in the ground.