Perhaps you have experienced receiving wisdom and support from spirit guides (the unseen forces) and a spirit animal or spirit Patronus, but haven’t heard from them lately and would like to reconnect with them. Perhaps you’ve never connected at all. If you feel disconnected and want to strike up those relationships again there are things you can do. Remember, these relationships need to be nurtured. They are your friends, teachers and mentors, who offer love and support on your journey.
The first step to reconnect is always self-nurture. Do this through eating foods you like, moving your body in some way, clearing your chakras daily, or prayer and meditation. Spirit and animal guides love it when we’re taking care of ourselves. After all, their purpose for communicating with us is for our highest good. They want to assist us in improving the quality of our lives and help us make decisions that ensure a higher quality of life.
A spirit animal or Patronus is an animal companion, friend, or messenger. They bring forth the wisdom of animals either in spirit form or through the spirit of a live animal, such as a pet or the visit or sighting of a wild animal. Notice when you see them. To reconnect with an animal, use the methods below and make an altar for your animal guide.
Practical Ways of Getting In Touch With Your Guides
1. Be Open To Seeing Signs
They’re everywhere. Spirit and animal guides are constantly trying to get our attention. One of my favorite ways spirit guides send messages is through songs. I ask for help and then I often hear lyrics in a song that answer my question perfectly. We also receive many messages and signs from the guides in dreams, day and night.
2. Open Your Heart
Many of us live in a culture with an inordinate amount of violence and aggression. This prohibits our ability to thrive and shine. Reduce perfectionism, allow yourself to be as you are. Find every reason to love and cherish yourself. Enjoy the simple things in life.
3. Calm Your Mind
This opens up your intuition and allows you to receive their visits and information. Dancing, walking, yoga, and sitting quietly are all forms of meditation. There isn’t one right way to meditate.
4. Use A Pendulum For Divination
Cleanse yourself, the pendulum and your space with crystals, incense, or chimes. Fill the space with love and state that only love may enter the space. Ask if today is a good day to talk with your guides. If the answer is yes continue, if the answer is no try again the next day.
A pendulum usually responds with a yes or a no, so structure your questions as yes/no questions to get the best result. Here are some example queries for your guides:
Is my spirit guide present?
Do you have urgent information for me?
Is there something you wish for me to do?
Do I need to do… [name various activities]…?
You could also do things like discovering the name of your spirit animal by using a pendulum board or going through the alphabet one letter at a time.
5. Spend Time In Nature
Animals and Spirits love nature, and so our bodies. We thrive in nature. Nature includes houseplants, a patch of grass, a lone tree in a nature strip, or a beach or a park. Animals and spirits feel at home in nature and will often enjoy connecting with you here.
6. Numbers
Notice synchronicity in numbers when you see them over and over again. Then decipher the message in these special numbers.
Take your time, invite your Spirit Animal back into your life. Your spirit guides are enthused that you are thinking about them and want to reconnect. This is a wonderful way to nurture yourself and enhance your life.
Comment below with what your Spirit Animal is for a magickal boost!