In the film Jerry Maguire, Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr.) embodies claiming wealth and value. In the famous scene where he energetically engages with Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) over the phone, he lets Maguire know that he will keep him as his agent. This scene is perfect as it shows us exactly how to be in regards to money.

Consider for a moment that you are Tidwell and Maguire is money itself. Tidwell is a role model in the movie and for us. We can emulate his wisdom. He has done the work that needs to be done. He has worked hard at his craft. He is physically healthy. He has a spiritual component in his life. He speaks to Money with enthusiasm and conviction. Money is a little put-off, yet still asks Tidwell, “What can I do for you?” That is it.

We want Money to work for us. It is here to benefit us. Tidwell raises energy by dancing and tells Money, “I need to feel you.” Yes, the energy has to be felt in the body, it can’t be a mental exercise. Tidwell is bringing Money on board, he is doing his part and commanding that Money work for him.

This is exactly what we do to bring in money. Own that we want it, work for it and be willing to receive it.

“Show me the money!”

“Yes!” Money replies.


It wants to give us what we want.  What are we going to do for it? We’re going the right way, there’s no wrong path, and every earning action is part of our journey toward wealth and abundance.

If we don’t like the job or the work we do, we can change it. Earning does take effort. We might want to get assistance and advice in money matters. There are free support groups that assist with gaining wealth and excellent financial advisers that charge a fee. There are also helpful websites.

In doing all we can to earn, we can help ourselves by aligning wealth energy with a spell.



For this spell, you will need a teaspoon of olive oil, a few banknotes, coins and a wallet or purse.

You may place a few coffee beans (for extra umph), flax seeds (for money & protection), or chamomile (for good fortune) into your wallet or purse near the money to help draw in successful finances.

The first step is to CLEANSE the items.
You can do this with sound, by clapping your hands above them, or ringing a bell.

The second step is to CHARGE your items.
Place the items together and like Rod Tidwell tell them, “show me the money!” Rub a few drops of the olive oil on the banknotes, and coins and place them into your wallet or purse.

The last step is PROTECTION.Pin
Spend a few moments, at least 1-3 minutes in a meditative state – inhaling and exhaling safety, love and wealth.

“It’s something very personal, a very important thing. Hell! It’s a family motto. Are you ready Jerry? I wanna make sure you’re ready, brother. Here it is: Show me the money. Show! Me! The! Money! Jerry, it is such a pleasure to say that!” Rod Tidwell

