There are times in life when you find yourself in situations and it may look like there is no way out. But in my experience, every time I let go of the resistance and surrender to the experience, amazing miracles showed up.

The Sacred Crystal Code Grid

These grids hold the codes, power, vibration and messages of each crystal featured in it. The crystals are displayed in connection with the Sacred Geometry grid, allowing you to receive the ancient messages and codes of each crystal to awaken your truth and receive the downloads available to your soul path.

Each Sacred Geometry Grid contains a code that is transmitted to you and activated through the message and the image as your contemplate them. They will unlock the potential that already exists inside of you. The Code’s message to you is received through the intelligence of your body.


This grid comes into your life to bless you with the energy of surrender. This means creating the space for you to let go of control and release your grip on how the situation MUST change, so that the Universe (or God) can step in and make your path easier.

Now, to make it clear, surrender has nothing to do with giving up. Instead, surrender is giving in to trusting that even though this path may seem hard in this moment, this situation has specific lessons your Soul has called forth to allow you to grow. There is power available that will lift you up to a place much better than the present situation.


Focus on your heart and your feelings. Old patterns may make it difficult to open your heart, but as you step into trust fear vanishes and allows your heart to open.  

If you have not yet, watch the video so you can experience the Akashic Clearing to support you in connecting to the power of the Sacred Crystal Code of surrender and begin the healing process your soul is ready to experience. 

At the center, angelite emanates angelical protection as you surrender into the situation. Surrounding the angelite are lemurian points and amethyst, bringing divine intuition, and sodalite to support your communication of your needs and asking for help from those around you.